16/05/2018 This blog saved my life a long time ago. I started it in 2009 and blogged commentary (mostly in poetry) which lead to my emancipation from cultural conformity and then an eventual career as a freelance opinion writer, essayist and journalist. In 2016, after 80,000 visits, I closed the blog to focus on my opinion writing. However, times have changed today. Journalism is dying. And so the need for this blog to be woken from the dead has become apparent to me. And so I find myself back here, again.
Clarity on Job Keeper – Job Seeker for artists and arts organisations in COVID-19
As a freelance writer and performer, I’m dusting off my very old accounting degree to provide some clarity where I can to arts businesses and artists during the COVID-19 crisis. There is a lot of confusion at the moment regarding our industry and the support available. I attended a webinar from BDO accountants this morning [...]
When you are a woman like me (a poem)
When you are woman like me you have a lot of enemies When you are a woman like me When you are a woman like me People don’t like you They exclude you They laugh about you They try to “get you” but they don’t When you are a woman like me When you are [...]
Mothers are supposed to (a poem)
Mothers are supposed to be caring Mothers are supposed to cook Mothers are supposed to nurture Mothers are supposed to clean Mothers are supposed to pick up the kids Mothers are supposed to protect Mothers are supposed to comfort Mothers are supposed to help kids with homework Mothers are supposed to be proud Mothers are [...]
Australia’s Geoffrey Rush verdict and #Metoo — should we be worried?
Ladies. Ladies. Ladies. Welcome to the new world of shut up. Should we be worried? Hell, yes! If you haven’t already noticed, journalism is struggling to stay afloat in the face of social media stealing a huge chunk of its income. Newspapers have been forced to be kinder to its advertisers and everything is about [...]
Why GoT fans whinging about the last season have got it all wrong
[Please note, this article contains spoilers] [Please note, this article contains spoilers] [Please note, this article contains spoilers] [Please note, this article contains spoilers] [Please note, this article contains spoilers] [Please note, this article contains spoilers] [Please note, this article contains spoilers] This article as been published on my Medium. Click here to read.
How we have learned to be away from one another (a poem)
It was excruciating at the start You had barely stopped nursing at my breast You cried for me when I was away from you, you cried for your dad when you were away from him, I’d go from one embrace to the next searching for love like yours, Have a breakdown every time – The [...]