Writer, Poet & Performer. Raw. Passionate. Self-made. Fearless.

Koraly is a bestselling, award-winning Cypriot-Australian poet, writer and performer
“I am so obsessed with Koraly. Her poetry confuses and delights the everloving fuck out of me. When I read it, I feel big question marks and exclamation points spontaneously erupting above my head, which is the only correct emotional response to poetry. Her work is disarming, emotionally fearless and she sounds like nobody else alive. I will read her poetry forever.”
“Ms Dimitriadis is the voice of an angry Australia. Her anger is for the disaffected, the voiceless and the invisible.”
“One of the brightest stars in the new poetry scene…”
“She is merciless…astounding…”
“A voice that demands to be heard”
“When I saw Koraly perform her poetry something touched me in a place in my body that I thought I needed to be ashamed of. That place where rage and anger internalise into a pocket of silence. Koraly’s art gave me permission to claim my story, feel accepted and understood and to ultimately to feel free from the shackles of social norms”
“Koraly is an extraordinary and highly talented writer/performer. She is extremely brave and upfront and she has no hesitation in writing and performing works that are unique, original, sophisticated and at the same time amusing and entertaining.”
“Koraly Dimitriadis is a poet of the finest balance. She writes with the tenderness of a loving hand and a fist that smashes oppression.”
“Relentlessly bold, unapologetic, and humorous at all the right times. If one can detect a new wave of Australian poetry on the rise, it’s due in no small part to the pioneering efforts of Koraly Dimitriadis.”
“After being the good Cypriot girl all my life and doing everything I was expected to do by my working-class, migrant culture including marrying at 22, I exploded out later in life in poetry. Today, as a divorced single mother, I have made it my mission to connect with others who have been ostracised, misunderstood, silenced or repressed by culture, religion or society. I do this through poetry, short stories, opinion articles, theatre and short poetic films. I am a public speaker, mentor and workshop facilitator. I am nearing completion of my debut fiction novel, A Goodbye Never Said and I am also working on a non-fiction book, Not Till You’re Married. Supported by Creative Victoria, if you are interested in being part of the research project email nottillyouremarried@gmail.com, I am seeking the children of migrants who had their upbringing in Australia.
I want to empower others, to help them feel less alone, to help them see that they have choices, because I did not have this and it was very, very hard. Thanks for stopping by. Hope to cross paths with you someday.” Love, Koraly x